I've decided to start a series featuring the stories of people's first experiences with horses. My first installment is from Jamie who tells the story of her first horse Dallas. Enjoy!
Dallas & Jamie
The farm I bought him from told me he was a worthless horse and wouldn't amount to anything, well they were wrong! He picked up on every command very quickly and dominated lounging (walk, trot, canter, reverse). Dallas was not treated very good at that farm and I learned that he was pretty much afraid of the whip and did perfect on the line without it :)
I spent hours upon hours with this horse and training him. He made me feel so good when friends told me that he is doing a lot better then when they first met him and for me to feel hopeless at times with him to see what he has become.
Much of myself getting stressed with him was because I was told he was 6 when I bought him but turned out that was a lie.
I started working with barrels around him and he did so great! Dallas would get so tight around those barrels and people at the farm were amazed. He was also a very nervous and jittery horse but I realized if I sang lullaby songs he would seem to slow down his pace and relax a little.
There was no mean bone in his body, but at times would become stubborn and do bunny hops. This horse loved people and being around them or the other animals.
I sadly ended up having to get rid of him and it is almost like he knew. The last time I rode him, we just flew and it felt like it was only us out there. I switched off with my friend so she could ride and Dallas was not having it! He was acting all goofy and nuts with her so I rode him out a little more, but that didn’t matter to him and he still continued to act like that with her.
After that ride I still had time with him for two more weeks but decided that it was such an amazing ride that I didn’t want to spoil it!
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Jamie riding Asti - The horse she currently leases. 2010 |
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