Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Horse Summer in Review...and Not Over Yet!

I was thinking today how much I've done with my horse so far this summer!

As you remember, for a long time I couldn't figure out what was wrong with my Punchinello. We had cantering issues, lameness issues, weight issues and muscle tone issues. If you would have told me last year what a great season we'd have this year...I would have hugged you...but been skeptical. I thought EPSM was a death sentence for our riding career.

A Horse Summer in Review:

2 Weeks of Training with Nicole Trapp, West Bend WI
Midwest Horse Fa

1st Dressage Clinic, Racine WI

Horse-A-Rama Expo, Manitowoc WI

Midwest Horse Fair, Madison WI

2nd Dressage Clinic, Racine WI

3 Day Camping Trip, Castle Rock WI

1st Dressage Schooling Show - Racine WI (We got a 65% on one of our three tests! And picked up the correct canter leads!)

Our First Western Experience
 Friesian Heritage Horse Open Show, Manitowoc WI (We placed in almost every class and even tried our hand at Western Pleasure! First time with a Western Saddle on his back and we came in 4th against a multitude of different breeds.)
Racine County Pony Club

2nd Dressage Schooling Show - Racine WI (Scored a 72% on one of our tests...time to move up a level! No more Intro tests next year!)

Punch has let my, typically non-horsey, daughter learn to canter! (He couldn't even canter himself last year let alone teach a fairly green rider!)

This coming weekend we have another Dressage Show. Then I think I'll do another clinic at the end of the month...then...then...well, we'll see. :)
A Tired Punch after a Hard Day Dressage Riding!

I'm so proud of what we've done this year. I'm so proud of Punchinello! What a trooper! And we're a closer riding team after everything we've been through together.

Find a horse, a friend's, a stranger's, your own...and!!!!

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